Hi guys,
So I have been living in NYC for about a year now and during that time my means of transportation are the subway. I love the subway even with all its flaws. The best part of being a subway commuter is the live music that I frequently encounter.
So I have decided to create a podcast featuring the music i tend to hear in my commutes . Because believe it or not, 80% of it is actually quite good. The show will feature 2 or 3 songs of these artists, information on them, maybe some interviews and my thoughts. Im not a music critic and dont plan on being one. I don’t believe I have the eloquence that most music critics have. So this will be the thoughts of your average picky music fan not the insights of a true music connoisseur.
I hope to not go past 2 weeks without a podcast. Unlike my other podcast Comic Makers, this will be a short show that should be easier to produce. So thanks for stopping by and let the music begin!